This One's Gonna Bruise
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 10:31 p.m.
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Do you e-ven know+what's going on in a he-art any- mo-re Constel- lations turned in-to lit-tle po-laroids in a ca-rd-board box And I wan-ted so desp-erate-ly to pro-ve You+were still breathing but wouldn't move O-kay, o-kay what a thing to+choose this one's gon-na bru-ise You'll learn one da-y won't you What you want is bad for the souls lost out in the ra-in Afraid of the da-rk still in pain still in pa-in Did you e-ven no tice how the wi-nd did-n't cha-nge that much Fluc-tu-a-tions on-ly sheets that you mo-ved to be su-re it was us And I wan-ted so desperately to sa-y That+you could trust me but I was ly-ing a-ny-way o-kay, o-kay what a thing to lose Left out in the ra-in, mis-used You'll learn one da-y wo-n't you You'll learn some da-y wo-n't you What you had was go-od for a while then it cha-nged Got too in-ten-se made it stra-nge And+I feel bad for you I fe-el bad fo-r you But I don't kno-w why I don't kno-w why Cos I' m a-s de-ad a-s you